Biomimicry and Bioinspiration from Evolutionary Biologist and Author, Dr. Tamsin Woolley-Barker. Find out how four billion years of evolution can inspire brilliant business innovation, efficient industrial design, eminently livable architecture, and intelligent organizational processes.
Wow! I am just blown away by so much support. We are three-quarters of the way to funding this Kickstarter campaign to self-publish my book, with 15 days to go! That's just $220 per day to make it! By jove, this just might happen. Thank you to all who have backed the campaign, including these latest wonderful amazing folks!
I can't believe I just hit $10K on Kickstarter!!! We are two-thirds of the way there. "Just" 5K more in the next two weeks, and my project will be funded... can we do it? I think we can!
THANK YOU each and every one of you for your support. I really can't believe it. I am so excited to get this thing out there. THANK You to the following people, you ROCK!!! And to all the other people who have been spreading the word! You're da bestest. Let's make like a slime mold and spread these awesome spores!
Part 2 of my Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF) series for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation airs this Friday at 9:30am PST. This one is LIVE, and gets into the ACTUAL biology of ultra-social organisms like ants and termites and what we can learn from them about making our businesses faster, smarter, and more valuable, followed by a live Q&A. This one will be crazy cool, don't miss it. Once again, it's free, just register
Thanks to so many wonderful people, my Kickstarter campaign is humming right along. I'm 6 days from the halfway mark on this 40 day campaign, and I'm just $376 away from halfway funded. Hope I can keep it up! I have such a wonderful community of people backing me, I just know we will make it.
As promised in my incentives, here are the amazing fantabulous folks who have pledged and pre-ordered so far! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you! We WILL make it happen!!! Please join us!
We are excited to bring the newest Biomimicry Regional Network into the fold! Biomimicry San Diego was founded by Clean Tech Leader Jacques Chirazi, myself, and Science Illustrator and National Geographic Explorer Nan Woodman. Today, our group includes Scripps Institute of Oceanography Marine Biologist Lauren Linsmayer, Industrial Designer Jo Fleming, and BioEngineer Leon Wang. We are a killer team! You can find out all about us at
Biomimicry San Diego is a local organization working to bring the biomimicry approach to innovation and human problem solving.
As a regional network of Biomimicry 3.8, our mission is to empower the San Diego region, through education and community engagement, to sustainably emulate the effective 'designs' that have evolved here to solve to exactly the same challenges we face.
Biomimicry San Diego is dedicated to reconnecting people with nature, and aligning human systems with biological systems. Our vision is a high-tech economy where human and biological system designs flow together seamlessly.
Our team offers education and consulting to apply biological insights to systematic sustainability challenges. Our collaborative partnerships and services support interdisciplinary dialogue across industry sectors and regions, while re-connecting all of us to the local ecosystem that supports us.
Or, just go straight to Kickstarter and add your two cents!
I will be speaking this Friday at the Disruptive Innovation Festival, a free online event from the
Ellen MacArthur Foundation, exploring the future of the economy and emerging
opportunities. Please register now to see my thrilling session (yes, I promise it will be!) and all the
other great presentations, including Janine Benyus, Sir Ken Robinson, Bill
McDonough, Jeremy Rifkin, Fritjof Capra (and li’l ol' me)!
And now.... the moment we've all been waiting for! The launch of my Kickstarter campaign to fund the final stages of my book! Getting this thing off the ground was a lot harder than it looks. Please do come visit and pre-order yourself a copy! Thank you SO so much for all your support!
I had the pleasure of attending the Sustainable Brands Conference in San Diego last week as a member of the press. It's always exciting to see big name corporations embracing sustainability, but this year I felt like a tipping point is in the works. Many big names are now trying to go beyond sustainability, and into regeneration. Could ecosystems thinking become a reality? Here is an article I wrote for Triple Pundit on my take. More to come!